I don’t know about you, but lately, I have been experiencing a new emotion every couple of days. I have been through fear, anxiety, hope, relief, despair, frustration, anger, gratitude, back to hope and anger. It has been quite a ride. Like many of you, I am used to being able to take all of this with me to the dance floor, shake it off and leave it there, reminded of what is really true, human connection and ultimately love. But, we can’t do that right now. Ugh, here come those feelings again.
Emotion is energy and it needs to be moved. We need to remain connected to our aliveness and not get consumed by depleting emotions. Not only that, but stress compromises the immune system and that is the last thing we need right now. Human beings have been using music and movement since the beginning of recorded time to help feel, heal, and grow.
We can’t all be together on the dance floor moving and grooving and experiencing Collective Joy like we are used to. Something I am really missing right now! But we still need the medicine of movement, music, and emotional expression. Now more than ever! So, for the foreseeable future, I will be doing Embodied Groove live from the Embodied Groove Lounge (aka my living room) and you are invited!
This will take place via Facebook Live over at Deadheadland every Sunday at 12:30pm PT and every other Thursday (April 16, April 30, May 14, May 28) at 6:30pm PT. To watch live, click on the above page and wait for the live stream. If you miss it live you can catch the replay at the Embodied Groove page or my new YouTube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe to be notified of new videos!
Here is last week’s Embodied Groove Dance Party. The dancing portion is only about 20 min long, great for a quick movement session! The theme was red for LOVE. <3
Even though we can’t do Embodied Groove in the usual way, I made sure to include all the aspects of live music you may be missing most:
Personal Expression
Releasing what needs to be released
Feeling and moving positive emotion
As always it will include mindfulness, movement, emotional expression, and fun! Bring yourself or your whole family. Elliot has been joining me and that has been super sweet!
As part of the personal expression aspect, I am hosting a theme for each week. Upcoming themes are:
4/12/20 Flowers (Grab your flower crowns or just come as the beautiful flower you are!)
4/16/20 Sparkle (Put on your sparkle flair and let’s make it a dance celebration!)
4/19/20 Tie-Dye (Let’s get psychedelic for Bicycle Day!)
Until we can be together again on the dance floor, I hope you will find some benefit in these videos to help you feel what you need to feel, move what you need to move, and embody your own beautiful groove. Drop me a line and let me know what you love most about the live music experience. It helps us to appreciate it even more, which makes my heart happy. 🙂
Sending big virtual xoxo,