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Embodied Groove was born on the dance floor during a Nia class, where I often have my best ideas.
A Little About Embodied Groove:
The main premise behind EG and the inspiration for the name is that music emits sound waves that the audience can feel and then embody through movement. As an audience moving to the music, we are an embodiment of the groove being created. Sometimes this happens naturally, for example to the music of the Grateful Dead or at a Phish concert. But sometimes people need guidance and permission to express themselves freely in response to live music.
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“The only way to feel a different way is to experience it. You can’t simply think your way into a new state of being, you have to actually feel it.” – Dr. Leah Taylor, Founder of Embodied Groove
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Intentions behind Embodied Groove:
1) Enhancing the medicine of live music by helping fans liberate their minds and bodies while connecting with emotions of love, surrender, awe, and gratitude.
2) Teaching people to allow music to flow through them, loosening rigidity, liberating their bodies, healing somatically held trauma, and releasing unwanted somatic holding patterns.
3) Giving fans permission to move freely and showing them that it can be done without substances.
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The Flow of an Embodied Groove class:
1) Warm-up (slower music, internal focus, moving major joints, exploring range of movement)
2) Experience with individual instruments (Noticing how different instruments move the body in different ways)
3) Get moving (putting all of the instruments together and allowing the body to respond authentically; moving through the space; interaction with other movers and music)
4) Cool down (slower music, stretching, back to internal focus)
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It is a new concept in this delivery, but this practice has been happening since the beginning of time. Most people have just forgotten how to allow it to occur naturally. In our modern-day lives, we have become rigid and stuck. Let’s help to liberate and heal others so that we can liberate and heal our world. It is just beginning, but this has the potential to be very big and very powerful for many people. I hope you will join me.
Leah Taylor